Die Anker

The app to mark and track your anchor places.


Entwickelt von:Philipp Baldauf
Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz
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In short words
Your privacy is the most important thing for us. Therefore our website and apps do not collect any personal identifiable information or location data. We do not use SDKs from Facebook or Google.
This policy applies to all information collected or submitted on the Die Anker website and the application (“Die Anker”, the “App”).Data Storage
Your data is stored in your personal iCloud Account which cannot be accessed by anyone else other than yourself.
Payment Data
The app uses RevenueCat to manage auto-renewable subscriptions and trial versions. RevenueCat’s Privacy Policy can be found here.
The app uses a randomly generated identifier to identify devices and users anonymously. Your anonymous user identifier is derived from your iCloud service (if enabled) and is associated with data sent to RevenueCat. This makes sharing subscriptions between devices more seamless.California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
We comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent.
International Transfers of Information
Information may be processed, stored, and used outside of the country in which you are located. Data privacy laws vary across jurisdictions, and different laws may be applicable to your data depending on where it is processed, stored, or used.
Your Consent
By using our site or apps, you consent to our privacy policy.
Contact Information
If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, you can email hello<at>myohren.com.
Changes to this policy
We reserve the right to update our privacy policy in the future. Visit our privacy policy frequently to always be aware of the policy you are agreeing to by using our services. We will post changes made to the privacy policy on this page.
Summary of changes so far:
– Sep 28, 2023: First published.